The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I have been Chief Meteorologist at WILL-Radio-TV-Online at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Chamapaign since 1987 (we weren't online back then). In 2005 I married Lucia Flevares, a fellow northeast Ohio native and graduate of the University of Chicago (B.A.) and University of Illinois (M.S. & Ph.D.). She is an Assistant Professor in the School of Teaching and Learning at The Ohio State University. Thus, we have a commuter marriage of just under 300 miles. We hope to be permanently together soon especially since we recently became proud parents of our daughter Luciana. My favorite memories are many and all involve the great friends I met in Happy Valley over my 8 years at Penn State. If I had to single out one moment or event, it would probably be the 1982 Nebraska football game. What an exciting day/evening to be in Beaver Stadium and on campus. But it's really a collection of many wonderful memories and the people I shared them with that I cherish.